
Business License Address

128 Binh My Street, Binh My Commune, Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Phone Number

+84 865920041


Hi-Tech Container Registry (vCR)

Hi-Tech Container Registry (vCR)

Centralized storage and management of Container Images


Hi-Tech Container Registry (vCR) is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that provides a fast, secure, and intuitive way to store and manage container images. vCR supports container-based application development well because it is an important part of the DevOps cycle, and can easily connect directly to platforms such as Docker and K8s.

vCR acts as a place for software developers to store and share images between systems through uploading (pushing) and downloading (pulling), helping software developers save significant time in developing Cloud-native products.


  1. Repository Management
    Repository is where Images are stored, which needs to be initialized before users can push Images to vCR. Repository has 02 types of access rights:
    ▪ Public: all users can Pull Images from the Repository, this is a convenient way to share the Repository with others;
    ▪ Private: only Root Users, IAM Users who own the Repository can Push/Pull Images;
  2. Image Management
    vCR can manage many different types of Images, these images can be packaged in OCI-compatible forms such as Helm chart (required from Help V3), CNAB, OPA bundle, etc.
    Images are identified by SHA256 codes in the Image list.
  3. Image Vulnerability Scanning and Management
    This function helps identify and manage software vulnerabilities of container images. vCR provides a way to analyze the vulnerability of images through the Trivy application
  4. Manage CLI Secrets
    Users can use their CLI Secrets as passwords when logging into vCR from Docker, Containerd, K8S, Helm CLI, etc.
  5. CLI Secrets will expire after 01 day from the time they are created, at which time the CLI Secret needs to be refreshed.
  6. Pushing/Pulling Images
    vCR stores and manages Container Images, users can Push/Pull Images from Docker, Containerd, K8S, Helm CLI, etc.
  7. Authorization based on IAM policy
    With IAM, the Root User can control which IAM Users can be authenticated and authorized to access and use vCR resources.


  1. Integrate with CI/CD tools
    Easily integrate vCR with CI/CD tools to automate image build & push operations, deploy applications on related services in the Pho Tue SoftWare CO.,LTD ecosystem such as Hi-Tech Open Kubernetes Service, Hi-Tech Virtual Private Cloud.
  2. Container Image Lifecycle Management & Protection
    With features such as Image Tagging and Vulnerability Scan, using, managing and securing important Images has never been easier.